Hand Sanitizer vs. Soap and Water: Which is Better?
It’s back-to-school season and you’ve taught your child the basics of proper hand hygiene to keep themselves and others healthy . Your child now prefers to use hand sanitizer-only instead of handwashing with soap and water and asks you to place a bottle of “hand sani” on the bathroom sink. You’re proud of their initiative but you can’t help but wonder: Is hand sanitizer alone good enough to ward off the “bad” germs and keep our children healthy?
Hand Hygiene 101: Teaching Your Kids to Wash Their Hands
If your family is anything like mine, back-to-school season means an influx of new germs coming home with your child that can bring on a slew of new colds and illnesses for the entire family. With most schools now in session, now is the perfect time to teach your kids the importance of good hand hygiene to prevent getting themselves—and others—sick.