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It’s late Friday afternoon, and your toddler wakes from their nap cranky with a fever and tugging on their ear. Or your 7-year-old takes a nasty fall at their Sunday soccer game, and you’re concerned that they may have injured their ankle. Your pediatrician’s office is closed for the weekend, and you start to panic—but luckily, there are some general guidelines to help make the decision of what to do and where to go just a little bit easier.
The yearly flu vaccine helps to boost your body’s protection and reduce the risk of serious complications from the flu, such as pneumonia or other secondary bacterial infections. It is especially important for young children and those that are considered high-risk. Learn all about this safe and effective way to help prevent the flu and improve outcomes should your child become infected!
Flu season is fast-approaching, and there is much to know about the flu! You may have some questions about how you can help keep your child healthy or what you should do if your child becomes ill. Staying up to date on the latest information is key to successfully (or, at least preparedly) navigating the sick season ahead with little ones. Learn what the flu is and how it affects children—as well as how it may be treated and prevented.
The common cold, or upper respiratory infection (URI), is a viral illness that affects the protective lining of the nose and throat. More than 200 viruses can cause an upper respiratory infection, and it is one of the most common illnesses among children as it is highly contagious.
Walking and biking to school can help contribute to a healthy lifestyle for your children, and there are several ways you can have peace of mind and help make sure that they accomplish this safely.
With more than 25 million children taking the bus to and from school and school-related activities each day, it is important for parents to know the facts and teach our kids about safe school bus habits—Whether while waiting at the bus stop or while riding on the bus.

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that is most often caused by viruses or bacteria. This infection leads to inflammation in the lungs, causing the tiny air sacs (or, alveoli) that are usually filled up with air to fill up with pus and other liquid instead. This can cause many different symptoms, including fever, cough, chest pain, and increased work of breathing (difficulty/labored breathing).
It is important for parents of young children and those with certain high-risk conditions to understand how to recognize the signs and symptoms of pneumonia as well as key prevention strategies available and recommended to help keep their kids healthy and safe.