Overview: Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in Children
If you are a parent to an infant or young child, you may have seen or heard of scary headlines or videos on social media about the dangers of RSV in babies and small children. But what is it, how common is it, and do you really need to worry?
It is important for parents of little ones and those with certain underlying conditions to understand the risks of RSV and the steps they can take to prevent it—as well as what to look out for and how to care for their child should they become infected.
Flu Vaccine in Children: What Parents Should Know
The yearly flu vaccine helps to boost your body’s protection and reduce the risk of serious complications from the flu, such as pneumonia or other secondary bacterial infections. It is especially important for young children and those that are considered high-risk. Learn all about this safe and effective way to help prevent the flu and improve outcomes should your child become infected!
Overview: Influenza (Flu) in Children
Flu season is fast-approaching, and there is much to know about the flu! You may have some questions about how you can help keep your child healthy or what you should do if your child becomes ill. Staying up to date on the latest information is key to successfully (or, at least preparedly) navigating the sick season ahead with little ones. Learn what the flu is and how it affects children—as well as how it may be treated and prevented.
Overview: Common Colds in Children
The common cold, or upper respiratory infection (URI), is a viral illness that affects the protective lining of the nose and throat. More than 200 viruses can cause an upper respiratory infection, and it is one of the most common illnesses among children as it is highly contagious.
Overview: Fevers in Children
When your child is sick and has a fever, it can be a parent’s first instinct to try to immediately treat and bring down the fever as well as call the pediatrician to be seen right away. While this reaction is understandable—we all just want our kids to be healthy and safe—it may not be necessary. Learning the basics of fevers, including what causes them and what to look out for, can lessen parents’ fears and anxieties and help them confidently care for their children when sick.