First Aid: Allergic Reactions/Anaphylaxis in Children

Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially fatal allergic reaction that occurs suddenly and requires immediate administration of epinephrine. Therefore, it is important to understand the different types of symptoms of allergic reactions so that appropriate and prompt intervention and treatment can be initiated.

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Health & Wellness, Back-to-School, Food Allergy Kristyna Greer, BSN, RN Health & Wellness, Back-to-School, Food Allergy Kristyna Greer, BSN, RN

Understanding Food Allergies in Children

Understanding food allergies in children is important for not just parents of children with food allergies, but also for any caregivers, teachers, coaches, or anyone else that may be responsible for your child throughout the day. With proper awareness and education, it is possible for your child to properly manage their food allergy and remain healthy and safe whether at home, school, or other activities.

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