Teaching Your Kids How to Walk or Bike to School Safely
Walking and Biking to School Safety
The weather is nice, and your child is asking if this is the year they can begin riding their bike to school. You think this sounds like a great way to start their day with some sunshine and exercise, but you have some concerns: Are they old enough? Is it safe? How do I know they are ready to go alone? Walking and biking to school can help contribute to a healthy lifestyle for your children, and there are several ways you can have peace of mind and help make sure that they accomplish this safely.
Health Benefits of Walking and Biking to School
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that children get at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Having an active commute to and from school is an inexpensive and easy way to help reach that 60-minute goal. Also, ditching gas-fueled vehicles for greener alternatives such as walking or biking can help reduce breathing problems or other health issues in children by lowering air pollution and helping the climate.
How Do I Know When My Child is Ready to Walk to School Alone?
The AAP recommends waiting until your child is around fifth grade, or 10 years old, before allowing them to walk to school without an adult. Children younger than 10 tend to be more impulsive and careless around traffic. They’re also less adept at identifying any potential dangers that may arise. However, it is important to remember that each child is different. You should consider your child’s developmental and maturity levels when deciding if they are ready to walk to school alone.
Walking with your child to and from school is a great way to prepare them to do it alone in the future. You can model the correct way to navigate traffic and cross streets safely, teach them directions and traffic/street signs, and help them learn the neighborhood.
Follow these steps recommended by the AAP when walking with your young child to and from school:
Hold your child’s hand when crossing the street
Observe all traffic safety laws
Follow all traffic signals
Utilize crossing guards when available
Look all ways (left-right-left) before crossing the street, and continue to watch for vehicles while crossing—Remember, drivers may not always see you
If you are not always able to walk with your young child to and from school, you may want to consider starting a walking school bus where families in your neighborhood can walk together with adults taking turns leading the group. Make sure you and your child know and trust the adults in your walking group.
Follow these steps recommended by the AAP when your child is walking to school without an adult:
Find a safe route that includes well-trained adult crossing guards at every intersection
Teach your child to cross the street at designated intersections—Practice crossing the street safely together with them prior
Walk in groups whenever possible with at least one neighbor child or older sibling
Teach them to say “no” to any stranger that offers a ride—They should know to yell and run for help if needed
Remind your child of no cell phones or texting while walking—It is a distraction, making them less aware of surrounding traffic
Always wear brightly-colored clothes, backpacks, and other accessories, ideally with reflective material, when it’s dark—Remember that 6pm-9pm are the most dangerous times of day for child pedestrians
For a child with limited mobility or other disabilities—Allow them extra time to learn pedestrian safety skills
How Do I Know When My Child is Ready to Ride a Bike to School Alone?
Riding a bike to school is another great way for children to commute when they are ready. It is important for a child to be a safe pedestrian before they can become safe bicyclists.
Follow these steps recommended by the AAP when your child is ready to ride their bike to school:
All bicyclists should follow the basic rules of the road—This applies to skateboards, scooters, and other non-motorized vehicles as well
a. Ride in the same direction as traffic on the right side of the road
b. Use bike lanes when available
c. Stop and look all ways (left-right-left) when crossing or entering the street
d. Stop at all intersections—Both marked and unmarked
e. Observe traffic lights and stop signs
f. Use hand signals and look all ways (left-right-left) before turning
Wear a well-fitted bicycle helmet that is approved by the Consumer Product Safety Commission at all times—The risk of head injuries can be reduced by 85% and the risk of facial injuries reduced by 65% by wearing a helmet
Make sure your child is riding ready—Consider traffic flow, their maturity level, and their ability to stay focused and follow traffic rules
Ride together with younger children—Younger children should not ride on the street
Always wear brightly-colored clothes, backpacks, and other accessories, ideally with reflective material—Never ride when it’s dark
Remind your child of no cell phones, texting, or eating while riding—It is a distraction, making them less aware of surrounding traffic
Practice good bike maintenance—Teach your child to check tire air pressure, brakes, and seat/handlebar height at least once per year
How Else Can I Help Keep My Child and Others Safe?
You can continue to help keep our kids safe by advocating for child pedestrian safety in your community and utilizing resources such as Safe Route to School. You can use their walkability checklists to score your community. Learn more here. You can also participate in national events such as the National Walk & Roll to School Day each fall and National Bike & Roll to School Day each spring.
Walking and biking are great modes of transportation to school that can help contribute to a healthy lifestyle for your child. It is important to teach your child how to be responsible and safe pedestrians and bicyclists as well as assess your child’s developmental and maturity levels before allowing them to walk or bike alone. With good safety measures in mind, walking and biking can be a great healthy way for your child to start their school day!
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